One method that affiliate marketers use to make money online is to display eBay auctions on their web site or blog. When they are in their eBay partner network account they can customize the items being displayed by typing in keywords that are relevant to their niche.
This is important because you want to display items that visitors to your site are interested in buying. If you have a site about gardening and you are showing eBay items on golf, then you have little or no chance of making any money with your eBay auction page.
I also like to add multiple streams of income to a web page when possible because I like the fact that I have more than one opportunity to convert a visitor into a customer. This is why I like to add Google AdSense ads to my eBay auction pages. Like eBay, Google AdSense will only display ads that are relevant to the content on the page.
First thing I do is design a web page template around my niche. With this template I will have a professional header and other graphics, a color scheme to match my niche and a layout so I can place Google AdSense ads on the page that blend in with the eBay auction items.
The second thing I do is make a content area in the template for my eBay auction items. This will make it very easy for pasting the code from eBay into my web page.
Now many people do not have the technical skill or knowledge to design a web page template. What I suggest you do is search for a professional AdSense template package that has the elements described above. The advantage of finding such a package is that the templates will be:
1. Professionally designed
2. AdSense ads will be placed in high click areas
3. The correct AdSense ad format will be used
4. Content area included
5. Easy customization
By finding a quality AdSense template package you will save yourself a ton of time designing your web page and testing for the correct ad formats to use and where to place them for a high click through rate.
One tip especially for beginners is look for a video tutorial that comes with the package. With videos you will be able to see exactly how to add your AdSense code and content to the pages.
This is important because you want to display items that visitors to your site are interested in buying. If you have a site about gardening and you are showing eBay items on golf, then you have little or no chance of making any money with your eBay auction page.
I also like to add multiple streams of income to a web page when possible because I like the fact that I have more than one opportunity to convert a visitor into a customer. This is why I like to add Google AdSense ads to my eBay auction pages. Like eBay, Google AdSense will only display ads that are relevant to the content on the page.
First thing I do is design a web page template around my niche. With this template I will have a professional header and other graphics, a color scheme to match my niche and a layout so I can place Google AdSense ads on the page that blend in with the eBay auction items.
The second thing I do is make a content area in the template for my eBay auction items. This will make it very easy for pasting the code from eBay into my web page.
Now many people do not have the technical skill or knowledge to design a web page template. What I suggest you do is search for a professional AdSense template package that has the elements described above. The advantage of finding such a package is that the templates will be:
1. Professionally designed
2. AdSense ads will be placed in high click areas
3. The correct AdSense ad format will be used
4. Content area included
5. Easy customization
By finding a quality AdSense template package you will save yourself a ton of time designing your web page and testing for the correct ad formats to use and where to place them for a high click through rate.
One tip especially for beginners is look for a video tutorial that comes with the package. With videos you will be able to see exactly how to add your AdSense code and content to the pages.
Now that you know AdSense templates can help you design your web page to place eBay auction items in any niche-wouldn't you like to have your own set of 100 AdSense templates in 5 different versions? This AdSense templates package has all the elements mentioned above and a video tutorial. Get the full story by visiting:
Download free keyword research software to help you find profitable niches. Visit: Free Keyword Research Tool.
Download free keyword research software to help you find profitable niches. Visit: Free Keyword Research Tool.
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